

眠くストーリー 英語

In the deep, silent night that stretched through the forest, 8-year-old Takashi sought sleep amidst the faint glow of stars, embracing a lonely night. Moonlight spilled into his room, drawing his gaze as he sat by the window. Guided by the light, an entrance to a mysterious path in the deep forest unfolded.

As the night breeze whispered through the trees, and the cool air caressed Takashi's cheeks, he stepped onto the path, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. Moonlight filtered through the trees, casting a silver glow on the ground, revealing tiny footprints within.

Following the footprints, the darkness that should have filled the depths of the forest was gently illuminated by the light of the stars. Faint sounds of nocturnal creatures leaked through, gradually soothing his unsettled heart.

"Was entering here the right choice?" Takashi wondered aloud, advancing. Branches rustled, trees swayed, and ahead, a small river flowed. Moonlight danced on the water's surface, and the stream's murmur created a serene melody.

"Takashi, you're a nighttime adventurer," whispered the small flowers. Takashi, a bit surprised, smiled and greeted the flowers. Sitting by the stream, he listened to its gentle flow.

Invited by the stream's song, Takashi began to relax. "Goodnight, goodnight," the stream's melody echoed soothingly in his ears. Closing his eyes, Takashi slowly drifted into sleep within the night forest.

That night, Takashi embarked on a fantastical adventure in his dreams. Guided by the stars, he met new friends in the mysterious world deep within the forest. His heart filled with adventure and friendship, dispelling the anxieties of sleepless nights.

As dawn approached, the forest adventure neared its end. Returning along the path, Takashi expressed gratitude to the forest creatures, following the small footprints illuminated by moonlight back home.

Seated by the window, Takashi watched as the dawn gradually filled the room, enveloped in a pleasant fatigue and a sense of happiness. His night adventure transformed sleepless nights into enjoyable journeys, bringing deep tranquility to his heart.